Monday, December 27, 2004

The Belle Epoque

When I saw this knitted tea gown pattern in the winter, I knew I had to have it. Somehow. So my vacation will be spent on these activities:

1. Altering a Simplicity pattern to sew it out of stretchy flannel;

2. Learning to knit in the hopes that one day I may be able to attempt the tea gown;

3. Designing a crocheted version.

Because I need this tea gown. Very very much.


  1. That is adorable. It suits your personality too! Good luck with your knitting lessons and I can't wait for the crocheted version!

  2. Oh I love this! I would so want to make it if you can come up with a crocheted pattern for it... I've never made a sweater, but I would make this tea gown!
